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1. What is Anime token

Anime Token is a very popular rarity. It has a total transaction supply of more than 10 billion. Out of this supply, more than 50.5% of the tokens will be sent directly to the community. This Anime Token is going to launch on Sterium and Arbicrum by the end of this month as per the fund data. Anime Coin organization will take care of the development and governance of the project. A new generation Anime Tolen coin is the first coin of the month. 10 billion is linked to the NFT collection of a favorite Azuki with a supply of an exact figure. This Anime Token is a great way to connect the Web3 community with it is designed.

2.When was Anime Token launched?

This popular Anime coin was launched on 23 January 2025.

3.What percentage of tokens will Anime Token supply for trading?

This anime token will be unlocked for trading 77.7% of tokens on exchanges from the beginning. The remaining 22.3% tokens will be used for other activities

4. What is the price of Anime coin? Max supply?

The latest price of Anime coin on exchanges is $0.02652. Its price is currently seen going down by 4.44%. Its price in Indian rate is 2.22 rupees. Its market cap is $146.56 millions. Its volume has reached $51.69 million within 24 hours. Its total supply is 10 billion anime coins. Its maximum supply is also seen to be around 10 billion. Its total circulating is being reported to be 5.53 billion anime coins.

5. a16jal1 is going to adjust tokenomics in order to list on the blockchain?

The main work of this Amine will be to make the community reach the maximum number of people. The work of developing the mine taken 15.6% has been given to the employees of Aajuki. The work of giving money to contractors and advisors has also been given. The total amount of Amine taken 7.44% will be given for the start of any project.

6. On which exchanges is this anime meme coin listed ?

This Anime meme coin has been listed on major crypto exchanges like- Binance, Coin Dcx, KuCoin, Coin Switch, Coin base , Bybit, Coin Market cap. This coin had created a very huge market on the day of its launch and went up market very fast. This coin has now fallen quite low from its bottom rate. This coin is seen falling down quite fast. This coin is showing a very bright future in the coming time, such is the belief of data experts.Because there are a lot of people who like anime and cartoons and this is why this coin is moving ahead with a very bright step. According to coin market data experts, the future of this coin is looking very bright.


By Dharmvir Kumar

Hey, It's me dharma... writing about myself is not easy. I'm struggling hard for this work since 2 years. I fell happy about my work just because I always do my work with honestly and greatfully. I want to grow into the best vision of me. I'm good to those people I care about . I never afraid to a face challenge. THANK YOU.........

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